Dress Down Day - Monday December 3rd
Students who earned at least 250 binder check points over the month of November will be permitted to dress out of uniform this Monday (the required total is lower than usual because of Thanksgiving break). As usual, students who are out of uniform must still adhere to CCSD/HMS guidelines. As we continue moving forward with binder checks, teachers will begin checking for their own content-specific materials and assignments. Additionally, Spanish and ELT teachers will no longer be conducting binder checks either - only math, ELA, science, and social studies teachers will be checking binders from here on out, beginning this month.
AVID Elective Forms
If your student received an AVID Elective Application this past week, the deadline to turn in those forms has been extended to Wednesday, December 5th, 2018. Students may turn them into the envelope on Mrs. Fassbender's door (in her office in the library) or they may turn them into the front office. If you have any questions concerning the application or the AVID Elective, please email Mrs. Fassbender at fassbenderc@clarke.k12.ga.us.
Schedule Changes
This past week, some of our students received schedule changes. This was due to the fact that our class numbers across contents were not even. Some of our classes had 6 students in them versus others that had 22 students in them. In an effort to balance out classes so that no one teacher would be overloaded with students, some schedule changes were made. Please know that all of our teachers are qualified to teach our students and will give them the best instruction as possible.
MAP Testing
Students will be taking the MAP Test again this week. Testing will be done in homeroom during Wednesday, December 5th - Friday, December 7th. It is very important that your student be at school during these times as we use these scores to see how far our students have progressed during the year. Wednesday will be the Language portion, Thursday will be the Math portion, and Friday will be the Reading portion.
Panther Pact Dinner and Game Night
On Tuesday, December 11th, the 6th Grade team will be holding a Panther Pact Dinner and Game Night. It will be held from 6:00pm - 7:00pm. We would love to see our 6th grade families come out and enjoy the evening with us and play some fun games! This is just another way for our 6th grade teachers to stay connected to our families as much as possible. Dinner will be provided!
Band Concert
There will be a band concert on Monday, December 10th, at 6:30 PM in the Cedar Shoals High School Theater. Come out and listen to some wonderful Holiday music!
As we approach the holiday season, the 6th grade team is partnering with the Food Bank of Northeast Georgia to hold a canned food drive. We will be competing by homerooms to see who can raise the most canned foods, and the winning homeroom will receive a pizza party! The Can-A-Thon will last until the end of the month, and a flyer was sent home with students with more information.4H
Students who have turned in a form for 4H will have their December meeting on Tuesday, December 4th, during their 2nd period connections class. If students would like to participate in 4H, but haven't turned in a form yet, there is still time! Please stop by Ms. Rohrbach's room to pick up a form!
Panther Nation News Blog
Be sure to check Ms. Tolbert's Panther Nation News Blog, as it contains news, announcements, and information for the entire school!
Content News
Students will be learning how to combine like terms on Monday, translating verbal/algebraic expressions Tuesday-Thursday. Unit 4 Review on Friday.
- Binder checks on Friday
- Tutoring with Mr. Smith will be held on Wednesday and Thursday mornings from 7:30-8:00am. There is no more Thursday afternoon tutoring with Mr. Smith.
Accelerated Math
Students are working on statistics and will be creating various graphs including box plots, histograms, dot plots, and line graphs.
- Test on Statistics next Friday December 7.
- Binder checks on Friday
Be on the look out for content updates!
- Binder checks on Wednesday
Students will continue with Unit 3 this week. We will be discussing Soil and Soil layers. Students will complete a Weathering, Erosion, and Deposition lab this week, along with a soil layers lab.
- Binder checks on Monday
- Quiz over Weathering, Erosion, and Deposition on Monday--Ms. Rohrbach's students only.
- Tutoring with Ms. Rohrbach on Tuesday from 4:00pm - 5:00pm.
Social Studies
Students will be wrapping up their Unit this week. They will be learning about European History (1945 -1991) including the Cold War, Fall of the Soviet Union, and German Reunification. Students will be reviewing the unit on Wednesday and Thursday, and Unit Test on Friday.
- Binder checks on Tuesday
- Unit Test on Friday
- Tutoring with Ms. Archer on Tuesday from 3:50pm - 5:00pm.
Students will be reviewing and practicing over Unit 4 and will review Unit 1 (the alphabet) this week.
- Tutoring with Ms. Willingham on Mondays and Tuesdays from 4:00pm - 5:30pm.
Advanced Spanish
Students will be review Unit 4 and begin Unit 5 this week. Unit 5 covers expressing like and dislike and verbs.
Ag Science/FFA
- Monday- Classes that earned their incentive can bring a snack to class.
- Tuesday- Final SAE Workday 4:00-6:00 (You must have a ride by 6)
- Wednesday- ALL AG Classes- Final SAE Check due on Google Classroom. 3 hours 3 pictures will count as a TEST grade. This is the project we started working on the first day of class and we have already had 2 checkpoints.
- Thursday: FFA Leadership Team Trip- Leave at 3:15. See Google Classroom for more information.
Family and Consumer Science
Unit 3 Vocabulary Quiz on Friday, December 7th over the following words:
- Consumer = someone who uses, eats, or buys something
- Natural = coming from the earth, plants, or animals
- Synthetic = human-made
- Resource = a supply of materials
- Decompose = break down into simpler pieces
- Ethical = doing the right thing for the right reason
- Sustainability = balancing what you use with what you have so you don’t run out
6th Grade Faculty:
Jarron Hutchins, hutchinsj@clarke.k12.ga.us
Kyle Smith, smithk5@clarke.k12.ga.us
Natasha Thompson, thompsonn@clarke.k12.ga.us
Olabisi Oyeyemi, oyeyemio@clarke.k12.ga.us
Brandon Brock, brockb@clarke.k12.ga.us
Dorothy Jones, jonesd@clarke.k12.ga.us
Vern Rucker, ruckerv@clarke.k12.ga.us
Mary Scott, scottm2@clarke.k12.ga.us
Zinetta Fox, foxz@clarke.k12.ga.us
Rachel Rohrbach, rohrbachr@clarke.k12.ga.us
Randall Watkins, watkinsra@clarke.k12.ga.us
Social Studies:
Morgan Archer, archerm@clarke.k12.ga.us
Corey Holland, hollandc@clarke.k12.ga.us
Steven Engelsen, engelsens@clarke.k12.ga.us
Laura Viera, vieral@clarke.k12.ga.us
Summer Willingham, willinghams@clarke.k12.ga.us
Enjoy the weekend and go panthers!
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