Last week before winter break!
We are only four days away from the end of Quarter 2, and we know that this is a busy time of the year for families. It is our sincere hope that all of our students are passing all of their classes and performing to their full academic potential, so we encourage everyone to be checking parent portal and using this final week as an opportunity to be checking in with teachers and completing any missing assignments.
College & Career T-Shirt Day
Our monthly College/Career T-Shirt day will be this Monday, December 17th. Students are encouraged to wear a t-shirt representing a college (or career) with uniform bottoms. Please make sure the college is visible on the shirt, as solid colors are not permitted. Students who do not wish to participate must wear regular uniforms. Our staff will be decked out with shirts from our colleges and we hope students will join us!
House Party
A message from Mr. Forker:
To celebrate the hard work of our students and teachers, we will have a school-wide house party on Thursday 12/20/2018 from 2:30 until dismissal. See details below:
- Parties will take place by grade level.
- Teachers will host house rooms/areas with designated activities (i.e., movies, sports, tech room, game room, karaoke room, etc.)
- During the party, 7th and 8th grade students from house Iron and 6th-8th grade students from house Copper will be invited to the cafe to celebrate their Q4 and Q1 victories (respectively)
Keep up the good work!
As we approach the holiday season, the 6th grade team is partnering with the Food Bank of Northeast Georgia to hold a canned food drive. We will be competing by homerooms to see who can raise the most canned foods, and the winning homeroom will receive a pizza party! The Can-A-Thon will last until the end of the month, and a flyer was sent home with students with more information.Tissue Donation
It is that time of year--Cold and Flu Season! If you would like to make donations of tissue, hand sanitizer, and clorox wipes to your student's homeroom, it would be so appreciated! We want to make sure that our students are staying healthy and not spreading germs!
Panther Nation News Blog
Be sure to check Ms. Tolbert's Panther Nation News Blog, as it contains news, announcements, and information for the entire school!
Content News
Students are continuing Unit 2 review. We are having a quiz on Wednesday over rates/ratios/rate tables. If students maintain good behavior, they will have a class incentive on Wed (after quiz) and Thursday.
- Binder checks on Friday (will be moved to a different day because of break)
- Quiz on Wednesday
- Tutoring with Mr. Smith will be held on Wednesday and Thursday mornings from 7:30-8:00am. There is no more Thursday afternoon tutoring with Mr. Smith.
Accelerated Math
Accelerated students will be completing their unit over negative numbers. They will complete assignments that require them to order rational numbers using a number line.
- Binder checks on Friday (will be moved to a different day because of break)
- Tutoring with Mr. Hutchins on Wednesday mornings from 7:30-8:00am.
This week we will be focusing on characterization. Students will watch two movies and complete a classroom activity to compare and contrast characters in the film.
Monday Movie: SNOW QUEEN
Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday Movie: FROZEN
Classroom Activity:
Each day students will complete a graphic organizer as they watch the movie.
There will also be a TEST TUESDAY on last week’s notes on characterization.
The notes are posted on Google classroom.
- Binder checks on Wednesday
Students will be reviewing over Unit 3 this week. On Monday, they will wrap up soil conservation techniques. Tuesday and Wednesday will be reviewing for Unit 3 test. A study guide will be given out on Tuesday.
- Binder checks on Monday
- Test over Unit 3 (Weathering, Erosion, Deposition, Soil and soil formation, and soil conservation techniques) on Thursday.
- Tutoring with Ms. Rohrbach on Tuesday from 4:00pm - 5:00pm.
Social Studies
Students will continue with Latin America Units. They will start with Physical and Political Features Maps of Latin America.
- Binder checks on Tuesday
- Tutoring with Ms. Archer on Tuesday from 3:50pm - 5:00pm.
Students will continue reviewing all of our previous units. This week we will focus on basic conversation, Spanish speaking countries, and numbers.
- Tutoring with Ms. Willingham on Mondays and Tuesdays from 4:00pm - 5:30pm. This is the last week students have to pull their Spanish grade up! Encourage them to work hard and do their very best this next week.
Advanced Spanish
Students will work continue to work on the "Que te gusta" unit where they will learn about verbs and how to express like, dislike, agreement, and disagreement.
Ag Science/FFA
Dec 18- 7:15-8:00 Agriscience Fair Practice
FFA Meeting and Coffee Hand Out 4:00-6:00
FFA Meeting and Coffee Hand Out 4:00-6:00
(Ugly Sweater Contest and Present Exchange- Presents are provided by FFA)
Dec 19- 7:15-8:00 Agriscience Fair Practice
Dec 20- 7:15-8:00 Agriscience Fair Practice
Dec 19- 7:15-8:00 Agriscience Fair Practice
Dec 20- 7:15-8:00 Agriscience Fair Practice
6th Grade Faculty:
Jarron Hutchins,
Kyle Smith,
Natasha Thompson,
Olabisi Oyeyemi,
Brandon Brock,
Dorothy Jones,
Vern Rucker,
Mary Scott,
Zinetta Fox,
Rachel Rohrbach,
Randall Watkins,
Social Studies:
Morgan Archer,
Corey Holland,
Steven Engelsen,
Laura Viera,
Summer Willingham,
Enjoy the weekend and go panthers!
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