Sunday, January 12, 2020

6th Grade News: January 13-17, 2020

General News

Report Cards:
Quarter 2 Report Cards were sent home Friday, January 10. If you have questions or concerns about your child's grades or academic standing, please contact their teacher(s). A full contact list for the 6th grade faculty is included at the bottom of the blog.

Credit Recovery
Credit Recovery is an after-school program designed to help students who failed one or more classes from Quarter 2. Students who attend Credit Recovery and complete the work may have their failing grade(s) changed to passing ones in order to avoid summer school or the risk of being retained. Credit Recovery meets on Mondays, Tuesdays, and Wednesdays (and some Thursdays!). The program will begin on Tuesday, January 21st and will run through March.

Important Upcoming Dates
  • 1/20 - MLK Day (no school)
  • 2/17 - Teacher work day (no school) 
  • 2/19 - Spring Picture Day
  • 3/4-3/5 - Parent Teacher Conferences
  • 3/5-3/13 - Spring Break (no school)

Content News

Math News:
Monday we will be finding the area of polygons. Tuesday we will be composing and decomposing to find the area. Wednesday we will have a quiz on area of different shapes. Thursday and Friday we will be finding the surface areas of 3D figures. 

ELA News
ELA will be continuing with Poetry and will be given their Summative Project that will be due on Friday, Jan. 17. 

Science News
Science will be finishing Unit 3 by learning to compare and contrast the layers of soil. 

Social Studies News
Social Studies will be exploring the environmental issues of Latin America. There will be a Unit 4 Test on Friday 1/17. Study Guides are available on Google Classroom; paper copies will be sent home Monday. 

Connections News

Band and Orchestra News
The Band and Orchestra Rock-a-Thon will take place Friday, January 31 from 6:00pm-12:00pm. Please ask your student for the information packet! 

Business Ed News

Public Speech Presentations will be starting Wednesday January 15. 
- Poem/Song/Speech: Can be someone else's or your own work
- No profanity or offensive language 
- Any piece must be approved by Mr. Lingerfelt
- Memorized (mostly)
- Minimum of 1 minute long
- Turn in paper copy of words for teacher and grade! 

Agriculture Science
Hello Everyone!

My name is Greg Brav, and I am the new Agriculture Science teacher at Hilsman. This week, 8th grade will begin their 2-week "Importance of Agriculture" unit. We will study the history of ag, and how the field has changed in modern times. We will also use class time to plan our SAE projects.

The "Supervised Agriculture Experience" is the only homework assigned to Ag students all quarter and counts for 2 summative grades. Students will design and complete a project that relates to agriculture to help themselves, their family, or their community. I will stay after school all semester on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 4-5 if students would prefer to work on their project at school instead of at home. 

Our schools FFA chapter will meet on the first and last Thursday of every month from 4-5, and all AgSci students are encouraged to attend meetings. 

Students need to fill out a permission slip to stay after school for SAE workdays or FFA meetings, and are welcome to ride the activity bus home from Hilsman. Please reach out if you have questions, or if you would like to support the school agriculture program in any way.  

Thank you! 
- Mr. Brav

PE News
Monday: Running Fitness
Tuesday: Upper Body Fitness
Wednesday: Aerobic Game
Thursday: Flexibility
Friday: Activity Day

6th Grade Faculty

Ms. Olabisi Oyeyemi,
Mr. Kyle Smith,
Ms. Natasha Thompson,
Mr. Ernest Watford,

Ms. Chantal Brown,
Ms. Edwina Holden,
Mrs. Dorothy Jones,
Ms. Verne Rucker,

Mr. Corey Holland,
Mr. Josh Truitt,
Mr. Randall Watkins,

Social Studies
Mrs. Cynthia Hollis,
Mr. Miller Barnett,
Mr. Steven Engelsen,

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