Sunday, November 11, 2018

6th Grade News November 12 - 16

General News: 
Progress Reports
Progress reports will be distributed and sent home this Tuesday, November 13th. This will provide the 4.5 week notice of how your child is progressing in their classes for this quarter. If you have questions or concerns about your child's grades, please reach out to your child's teacher(s) - a full 6th grade faculty contact list is provided at the bottom of this blog. Please check Parent Portal frequently so that we can address any academic concerns early! If you would like your child to receive extra help, PSP meets after school on Mondays and Tuesdays, and transportation is provided! Please contact Ms. Ward ( if you're interested or want more information.

College/Career T-Shirt Day
Our monthly College/Career T-Shirt Day will be this Monday, November 12th. Students are encouraged to wear a t-shirt representing a college (or career) with uniform bottoms. Please make sure the college is visible on the shirt, as solid colors are not permitted. Students who do not wish to participate must wear regular uniforms. Our staff will be decked out with shirts from our colleges and we hope students will join us!

HMS Orchestra Fall Concert
Wednesday November 14th at 6:30pm
This year our concerts will be held in the Fine Arts Auditorium at Cedar Shoals High School. Students should report at 6:00pm to tune. Please contact Ms. Floyd ( for more details.

Honors Celebration
Please join Principal Tolbert on November 27, 2018, at 6:30 pm in the cafeteria to celebrate students who earned all As or As and Bs in the first quarter grading period. We are extremely proud of our students and their accomplishments! Invitations will be given to students this week.

Recycling for Good!
America Recycles Day will be on Thursday, November 15. Hilsman will collect aluminum cans and used health and beauty product containers. These items will be sold and the money earned will be donated to the Food Bank of Northeast Georgia and UNICEF. Students may wear GREEN shirts and jeans to promote Green initiatives at Hilsman and in our community on Thursday, November 15.

Panther Nation News Blog
Be sure to check Ms. Tolbert's Panther Nation News Blog, as it contains news, announcements, and information for the entire school!

Content News:
Students are starting order of operations and equivalent expressions this week.

  • Binder checks on Friday
  • Quiz on exponents and order of operations on Tuesday.
  • Tutoring with Mr. Smith on Wednesday mornings from 7:30am-8:00am and Thursday afternoons from 4:00-5:00pm.
Accelerated Math:
  • Test on Friday

In ELA, students are continuing to read our novel Freak the Mighty. We are reading and taking Cornell Notes about the chapters we are reading.T We are also writing reflections about the material in the text. We would also like to remind parents that all ELA students must read a minimum of 30 min a night. These readings must be logged in their reading logs and initialed by a parent or guardian. 
  • Binder checks on Wednesday 

On Monday, periods 1, 3, and 4 will be visited by our counselors to talk about Signs of Suicide. This is apart of our Signs of Suicide Prevention Program. On Wednesday, periods 5 and 6 will receive this lesson. The rest of the week will be devoted to reviewing for our test. The students will receive a study guide for the test that will be taken for extra credit. 
  • Binder checks on Monday
  • Unit 2 Test on Friday
  • Rock Cycle Creative Writing Assignment due on Tuesday--Ms. Rohrbach's students only. 
  • Tutoring with Ms. Rohrbach on Tuesday from 4:00pm - 5:00pm. 

Social Studies:
Students will be learning about World War 2, the Holocaust, Nazism, and the rise of Hitler. 
  • Binder checks on Tuesday
  • Quiz on Friday

The Unit 4 test has been pushed to Friday, 11/16.  The study guide will be given at the beginning of next week and will be due Friday, 11/16. Unit 4 includes Numbers 1-31, Days of the week, Months of the year, telling the date, weather, and seasons. 
  • Binder checks on Thursday
  • Unit 4 Test on Friday
  • Tutoring with Ms. Willingham on Mondays and Tuesdays from 4:00pm - 5:30pm. 

Advanced Spanish: 
Students will be learning how to write and tell the date in Spanish. 
  • Binder checks on Thursday

Ag Science/FFA: 
Tuesday- FFA Friendsgiving Meeting and Trivia Contest (bring a side or dessert if you are able) 4:00-6:00
Wednesday- SAE Check in ALL Ag Classes. 2 hours and 2 pictures due on the template on Google Classroom. All directions for adding hours and pictures and what counts as a project (8 pages of ideas and multiple pages of videos) are all on Google Classroom.
Thursday- FFA Floriculture Contest at UGA

6th Grade Faculty:
Jarron Hutchins,
Kyle Smith,
Natasha Thompson,
Olabisi Oyeyemi,

Brandon Brock,
Dorothy Jones,
Vern Rucker,
Mary Scott,

Zinetta Fox,
Rachel Rohrbach,
Randall Watkins,

Social Studies:
Morgan Archer,
Corey Holland,
Steven Engelsen, 

Laura Viera,
Summer Willingham,

Enjoy the weekend and go panthers!

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The 6th Grade News: May 10-14th

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