Panthers Celebrate Read Across America Day Friday, March 1st
1. Wear a Wacky Hat! (Can’t cover face.)
2. Wear Wacky Socks! (Must wear shoes that cover whole foot.)
3. Wear colorful clothes in honor of Dr. Seuss’ birthday! (Follows school dress code; no rips/holes; jeggings, etc.)
4. Drop Everything And Read (D.E.A.R.)! (Read with your class and teacher during Enrichment Time!)
**The homeroom with the highest percentage of students and teachers participating in the fun will win BRAND NEW BOOKS!!!
Saturday School
Saturday School is in full swing! This is an excellent opportunity for ALL students to prepare for the Georgia Milestones by working with their teachers in a relaxed, small-group setting. Saturday School operates on a rotating schedule so that students get to see multiple teachers and review multiple subjects each time. Transportation is also provided. IT IS NOT TOO LATE TO GET YOUR CHILD SIGNED UP! If you would like your child to attend or would like more information, have them get an application from their teacher, or contact either the front office or Ms. Ward (
Sign Up for the Panther Prowl 5K! Students and staff members who enter the Panther Prowl have an opportunity to win a prize pack to be announced after the race. Mr. Naughton will buy pizza for any student that beats him in the Panther Prowl!
Scoliosis Screenings
Students will be screened for scoliosis on Tuesday and Wednesday of this week during their 7th period connections. For the screening, the neck and shoulders of your student need to be visible for the most accurate screening. Boys may wear a tank top if desired. Girls must wear a bra/sports bra/one piece bathing suit or tank top. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to email our nurse, Caroline Chambers (
Family Education Series
Family Education Series #5 will happen this Wednesday, February 27, from 6-7:30pm. The program will discuss how to cook healthier meals for your family and dinner will be provided! This program will be held in the cafeteria!
Mardi Gras Night
A Spanish Mardi Gras Night will be held on Monday, March 3rd, from 6:00-7:30pm in the cafeteria. It will be a night of fun for the whole family! For more information, please contact Ms. Viera ( or Ms. Willingham (
If your student is in need of a binder or school supplies, they must complete a supply form and get a parent signature. These forms need to be turned into Mrs. Fassbender. Students can get forms from Ms. Rohrbach, Mr. Holland, or Mr. Watkins.
Parent Conferences
Parent, student, teacher conferences will be held on Wednesday, March 20th - Friday, March 22nd. Please be on the lookout for information from your child's 6th period teacher!
Panther Nation News Blog
Be sure to check Ms. Tolbert's Panther Nation News Blog, as it contains news, announcements, and information for the entire school!
Be sure to check Ms. Tolbert's Panther Nation News Blog, as it contains news, announcements, and information for the entire school!
Content News
In preparation for the upcoming Georgia Milestones Assessment; sixth grade students will be given a weekly big 20 in Mathematics which will be due each Friday. This will count as a homework assignment. The expectation is for every student to be proficient (80% or higher).
The 6th grade math department also use Friday's as a Milestones prep day. Sample questions are provided and students are provided with ample think time before responding. Students are encouraged to practice their speed and math facts at home.
Please assist your child and encourage him or her to complete and submit the assignment on time.
If there are any questions feel free to contact your child's Math teacher.
Students are continuing with their unit on statistics and data. On Monday and Tuesday-students will work on finding the mean of a data set. On Wednesday, students will review for quiz on 'what is a statistical question?' Finding mean, measure, mode, range; histograms; line and dot plots.
Thursday there will be a quiz over statistical questions, displaying/analyzing data.
Friday-milestones prep
- Binder checks on Friday
- Quiz on Thursday, February 28th
- Tutoring with Mr. Smith will be held on Wednesday and Thursday mornings from 7:30-8:00am.
In ELA, we are still expecting our students to read every night and record it in their reading log. We will focus on writing from Monday until Wednesday. We will then turn our attention to reading and comprehension strategies. On Friday, we will focus on test taking skills in preparation for the Milestones. Please make sure that your child reaches out for extra credit or make up work to improve their grade. It is important that our students develop personal responsibility in regards to their grades.
- Binder checks on Wednesday
Students are continuing with Unit 5--Weather and Climate. We will talk about layers of the atmosphere, what is in our air, and air pressure this week! Please make sure your student is focused and engaged in class as this is our hardest unit of the year!
- Binder checks on Thursday
- Quiz on Friday, March 1st
- Tutoring with Ms. Rohrbach on Tuesday from 4:00-5:00pm. If students failed their Unit 4 test and want to retake it, they need to come to tutoring on Tuesday.
- Students in science have been given a project over an African American Scientist in honor of Black History Month. All students in 6th grade have been given this project. The project is due on Thursday, February 28th, 2019. The link for the project and rubric is here.
Social Studies
Students will review their Latin American Unit this week and have a test over their Unit.
- Binder checks on Tuesday
- Tutoring/Make-up Day with Ms. Archer on Tuesdays from 3:50 - 5:00pm.
Students will continue with Unit 2: Spanish Speaking Countries this week. The unit test will be on Friday, March 1st. It will cover the Spanish speaking countries and capitals and the map of Latin America.
- Unit 2 Test on Friday, March 1st
- Tutoring with Ms. Willingham on Mondays and Tuesdays from 4:00pm - 5:30pm.
Advanced Spanish
Students will continue with Unit 7: Describing The Classroom on Tuesday.
- Tutoring with Ms. Willingham on Mondays and Tuesdays from 4:00pm - 5:30 pm.
Ag Science
March 1- Test/Quiz Makeup 7:45-8:15 and 4:00-4:30
March 5- SAE Workday 4:00-5:00
March 6- SAE Due 3 hours/3 pictures for Test Grade
March 7- Agriscience Fair Projects Due- Practice 4:00-6:00
National FFA Week Celebration-FFA members Only
FFA Shirts will be on sale for $5 all week to FFA members and Hilsman faculty/staff!
Monday- Gold Shirt Day- Show Mrs. Martin you have your gold shirt on during homeroom and get a prize!
Tuesday- FFA Meeting 4:00-6:00 and wear this years FFA shirt to school with uniform bottoms.
Wednesday- $5 FFA Dues (get to participate in anything after this date including Thursday's breakfast- does NOT include a t-shirt- $10 to include a shirt)
Thursday- 7:30-7:59 FFA Member Donut Breakfast!
Friday- Wristband turn in during homeroom if you have all 5 colors! (yellow, green, red, orange, blue) Prizes will be handed out!
6th Grade Faculty:
Kyle Smith,
Natasha Thompson,
Olabisi Oyeyemi,
Brandon Brock,
Dorothy Jones,
Vern Rucker,
Edwina Holden,
Zinetta Fox,
Rachel Rohrbach,
Randall Watkins,
Social Studies:
Morgan Archer,
Corey Holland,
Steven Engelsen,
Laura Viera,
Summer Willingham,
Enjoy the weekend and go panthers!